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Close to your heart,
We support you to have a more fulfilling time


We provide a peaceful living environment and compassionate care.

This facility was opened in September 1995 and provides nursing, nursing care, and services such as functional training, nutritional management, meals, and bathing by specialized staff such as physical therapists under the supervision of a doctor. The hot spring therapy and beautiful natural environment are attractive, and we provide care services tailored to each user so that they can continue living safely and independently at home, and we have a system in place that allows them to feel safe even at night.

Features of Hawaii Shinseien

Professionals such as nursing and care staff, physical therapists, etc. Belong to this group.

Under the medical supervision of a doctor, we provide nursing and caregiving services, as well as functional training, nutritional management, meals, bathing, and other services provided by specialized staff such as physical therapists. We also support individual rehabilitation by professionals.


Flexible response tailored to your needs

Depending on your needs and illness, we work with doctors and care managers to help relieve the anxiety of you and your family so that you can receive nursing care and rehabilitation with peace of mind.


Comfortable environment and full facilities

Our facility faces Lake Togo, so you can enjoy a rich and fulfilling time while enjoying the magnificent nature of each season. We are also fully equipped with mechanical bath equipment using Hawai hot spring water, massage chairs, and medical equipment that allows you to monitor your physical condition in real time.


About Emergency Generators

Advertisement for bid


Contract terms and conditions

construction resume

construction cost detailed statement

Bidding instructions

Attachment 1

Form 1

Application for Confirmation of Eligibility

Form 2

Bidding document

Form 3

Power of attorney

Form 4


Form 5

Withdrawal notice

Form 6


Medical system that provides peace of mind even at night

We have medical staff available 24 hours a day, and we also provide nighttime medical care. We strive to provide nursing, nursing care, rehabilitation, and daily services that are close to our users through daily health management.


Strong collaboration with medical institutions

Related facilities include Shinsei Hospital, Day Service Center Hawaii Shinsein, and Group Home Shinsei Yurihama no Sato, which provide reliable medical and nursing care services. We also provide oral care services provided by dentists.


Nursing care service

Facility admission illustration

Admitted to facility

Short-term admission illustration

Short-term admitted

Day rehabilitation illustration

Day rehabilitation

Visit rehabilitation illustration

Visiting rehabilitation

Private home care support

Home care support



Contact us

Inquiry by phone


Email inquiries

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